Drug and alcohol use disorders or any other form of addiction are debilitating conditions that can cause significant damage to the lives of the affected individuals and their families. Fortunately, there are myriad treatment facilities that can cater to all kinds of needs, all of which have the common ground of helping people with addictions on the road to recovery stay on track and achieve recovery.
This is why it’s crucial to choose the right rehab for you or your loved one, as each program available is dedicated to helping you get better with effective methods that best suit your needs. Deciding which one is best for you can be a daunting process, but the perfect fit for your treatment is just around the corner. To that end, here are a few tips that can help you find what you or your loved one needs.
Tip #1: Always consult with a mental health professional
This is by far the most crucial yet overlooked step when choosing the right rehab program. Treatment professionals have extensive training and knowledge of all the multiple aspects of rehab, such as individual and group therapy, such as cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT). In that regard, they are dedicated to providing valuable information on which program is geared to the individual patient to help you or your loved one steer in the right direction towards recovery.
Tip #2: Analyze various rehab options
Even after consulting with a mental health professional, it’s good practice to conduct your own research and investigate the specialities offered in your chosen rehab program. This can be done through online research on their websites and other sources such as word of mouth and recognition within the community.
One of the factors that should be considered, other than the suggested treatment plant, is the rehab facility’s amenities. Many rehab facilities provide a standard of living that is on par with the convenience and luxury of a five-star hotel, while others provide the basic necessities needed along with fully-functional facilities that can cater to different kinds of patients. Aside from that, it is also crucial to know if the rehab you are considering has a positive track record of treating patients successfully.
Tip #3: Determine your level of addiction
Addiction exists on a spectrum from mild to severe, and some drugs that are more dangerous than others. It’s best to undergo a professional screening to help decide what range you are in, which is a vital step in determining what level of care you need and which program would best help to your condition.
Tip #4: Decide whether you want a Residential or Outpatient program
When choosing the right rehab program, one of the major things to consider is whether you will undergo a residential program or an outpatient program. Both are highly effective methods dedicated to helping you achieve long-lasting recovery, but each has differences that are designed to meet the requirements of you or your loved ones’ specific needs. In that regard, residential rehab treatment means that the patient must remain on the rehab facility’s premises during the duration of the program.
This offers a distraction-free and temptation-free environment, making it the type that produces higher success rates as patients have access to 24/7 care, with constant guidance until they develop the skills to maintain their recovery in the real world.
On the other hand, outpatient rehab programs accommodate those who do not want something too demanding or disruptive of their daily routine. This treatment involves patients that regularly attend sessions during the day. While the success rate is generally lower, it is a cost-effective alternative for patients who are seeking treatment without having to put their lives on pause.